Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 2: January 14

We started the day with a nice hot breakfast. The omlette was good, just rich!
The plate in the center contains their version of pancakes.

A view out of the guest house window. First she washed clothes, then was snapping beans.

Then we spent the day with Peter of Children's Hope Chest ( He was wonderful!

Peter took us to Hannah's House. She runs 22 (?) houses for orphans in various parts of the city with children ages 4-20. We were there for at least an hour. I have many pictures of this visit to show our church. One of the greatest things I remember her saying was, "One of the greatest needs we have is more nutritional food for the children. They eat a lot of injera, but we can't afford eggs, fruit and meat." We suggested a chicken operation, but that won't work because all locations are in the city and they rent all of their properties. This was an eye opening visit!

One of Hannah's school rooms.

Peter also took us to this school in a very poor part of the city. One lady started it in her home and they are very pleased with how it's grown to over 100 children. They teach K-2 grade. All of the teachers were men (shown here). They are in need of help for feeding the children and are available for sponsorship through Children's Hope Chest.

When we walked in the gate the children were all over us, hugging and kissing us.
This is from Stirling's journal:
"They were all like, 'Peter,Peter'! (they were glad to see him). They came and wanted to shake our hands and kiss our arms:). They were so fond of us all. They wanted me to sit with them. We tickled each other for about 20 was so beautiful. There were about five little girls and three boys that I didn't want to leave. I will miss them so much."

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